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PlayStation Buttons DBX2 Mod


 PlayStation Buttons Mod

PlayStation Buttons Mod for Xenoverse 2

Check Out This Mod

I’ve been a Sony fanboy for my entire life.

Which means I generally use my DualShock PS4 controller as a gamepad for my PC games as well.

If you do the same, you’ll love the PlayStation buttons mod.

It replaces the in-game button representations for the classic square, cross, circle, and triangle.

Ideal if you’re having trouble learning the combos due to the confusing Xbox-centric symbols, or to stop feeling like a second-class citizen due to your gamepad preferences.

It’s also great to mess with your friends who play XV2 on PS4 by showing screenshots of your modded “PS4” game, which is actually tough as nails.

They’ll go nuts.

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